View of Quran towards the life of this world with regards to religious education

“View of Quran towards the life of this world with regards to religious education”


Abstract Of Title

It is a necessity to restructure Islamic religious education based upon Quran. It is highly crucial to know and understand the perception of the life of this world by World religions and our traditions to evaluate the view of Quran towards the World. Among divine religions,Judaism secularized the World by sanctifying it. On the other hand; Christianity externalized this World completely in a historical process however it assumed an acquiescent attitude towards it. This approach has been a reference with regards to rise of modern capitalism. As for Noncelestical religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, there is a strong belief that this World is the biggest obstacle against the salvation of man and the World is perceived with a pessimistic point of view. They developed an understanding and practice of education in accordance with this belief.In Sufi tradition which is one of the most important religious thoughts, The World is perceived as an obstacle to go beyond for heart purification which is necessary to discipline perfect human being in general terms. Accordingly, some understandings and practices of education such as piety and ascetism have been developed. It is understood that this subject reflected in deprecating way via some news agencies which causes some wrong World perceptions among Muslims. The expressions about the World in authentic hadith should be evaluated rigorously. Prophet Muhammad compares this World to an object or item to be benefited and encourages people to conceive the real value of the World against the future life. It should be taken into account that Prophet Muhammad?s attitude towards the World is not a purely abandonment from life, it is absolutely the education as regards to not to cling to life heavily. When the World is evaluated as regards to religious education, education of faith, materialistic aspects of the World and possessions have some characteristics of training material. The World is like a bridge for transfer of the message with the aim of achieving God?s presence and uniqueness targets. XVQuran states that love for World and its components are natural, however; it advises to control this love and manipulate it. The awareness should be created through Quran and religious education about what to love, why to love and to what extent we should love.Mastering temporal lusts is among the aims and objectives of religious education. Quran never defames these lusts and impulses and doesn?t advise to get rid of them completely. Furthermore, Quran recommends that this lust should be mastered according to divine point of view by uniting it with religious and moral values without hindering farther and permanent objectives. Quran forms system of values by placing phenomenon of death at the heart of behaviors and moral. Phenomenon of death acts as a guide out-and-out. Deep reality of death surrounds the people. Therefore, religious education should develop the methods of leaving an impression on man's feelings, behaviors and acts with reference to multifaceted characteristic of death. In this way, divinity of life of this World and worshipping it would come to an end. Gaining awareness against the use of life of this World by devil as distractor is a religious education activity. Devil makes use of objects and benefactions that forms life of this World as a distractor or a trap. At this point it is necessary that man should be assured to turn towards God consciously to develop himself and strengthen his inborn blessings by receiving religious education based on Quran. Quran gives important messages to Muslim clergymen, scholars and educators who are leading religious education activities and religious services by introducing Jewish and Christian clergymen's perception of World and life of this World. It is anticipated that educating affluent people is far more difficult. The main reason is divinize the life of this World. Challenge of educating these people features the borders of education and the reality of true path in education. Working in the context of religious education and Quran in the context of financial moral organize the relations between God and man, object and man and guides him lead the way at this issue. Moreover, Quran refers to the effects of financial power on educational activities and point outs that it is not only difficult but also impossible to maintain educational activities for the people who lack this powe

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 208 - Date: 2012 - Country: TR

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