The Results of Contextless Qur’an Readings

“The Results of Contextless Qur’an Readings”


Abstract Of Title

In this article, the readings of the which is detached from its context are discussed. The most important aspect of benefiting from the Qur'an is its proper understanding.It is possible to realize the act of correct understanding by a cor-rect method. One of the most important principles of this method is the context. It is not possible to get the correct meaning with readings of the Qur'an without context. The readings without context are not unique to the present day but ha-ve always existed from the period of the companions(al-sahaba) to the present day. There are many reasons for these uncontext readings. It is very difficult to identify and define each of these reasons. Only a few of these are mentioned within the boundaries of the article. In this article, firstly, the word and term meanings of the context are focusedand then the ground on which the context is based is discussed. Subsequently,the issue of how some verses can be disconnected from their contexts and how they can be misunderstood and employed away from their aims is emphasized. It is pointed out by examples how the readings which are disconnected from the context of the verses lead to the result and how important the principle of the context is.
Keywords: The Qur’an, Context, Principle, İnterpretation.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 573-604 - Date: 2020 - Country: TR

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