The Approach of Linguists to Qirāʾāt and the Position of Sībawayh

“The Approach of Linguists to Qirāʾāt and the Position of Sībawayh”

Aydın Kudat

Abstract Of Title

Arabic linguistics and qıraa are twins on the basis of the basic aim that they are serving. There is an intense relationship between them in the context of source and hujjat. They refer to each other when basing the general application rules. Within the process, these two disciplines discussed among themselves, sometimes it was possible for mutual criticism. The two main issues on which the discussions are focusing is the issue of resource dimension and practicality reference. In this context, naqil, semāʿ, qıyas, illat ve istishhad are the most commonly used arguments. What could be the reason for the linguists to criticize various aspects of Qirāʾāt for further arguments to justify the Arabic language grammars? What does Sībawayh's position in this regard and the attitude between these two disciplines mean for subsequent linguists? The grammar and the prioritising approach of qiyās have become widespread since the hegira of the third century. As a result of the activities that justify the qıraat with multiple arguments, especially linguistics, there has been a tendency to choose among theaspects and some aspects have even been criticized. Those who see the grammatical and formal-mushaf dimension of the issue as anterior could tend to highlight the qiyās, while choosing among different aspects. Those who see the sanad, mushâfaha telakki und tahammul dimensions of qıraa as anterior, showed a more cautious attitude about preference. In the context of the naql dimension of Qirāʾāt, Arabic linguists are not as moderate as philologists. In this article, the attitude of Sibeveyhi will be discussed as a balance element in the axis of Qirāʾāt approach of linguists.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 63-75 - Date: 2020 - Country: TR

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