The traces of pre-Islamic culture in the Kor'an; example of social prenciples

“The traces of pre-Islamic culture in the Kor'an; example of social prenciples”


Abstract Of Title

As it is known, every revelation, sent to different societies in different times, particularly in Kor'an, regarded to the time of being situated, traditions and mental imaginations of that society and did not ignore the society's historical and social facts. Fort this reason, Kor'an has no problem of perception at the time of Prophet Hz. Muhammed. But, apart far from the culture, that circled revelation, the problem of understanding of Kor'an has occured. Especially, nowadays, culture of present age Muslim society has obviously differentiated from 7th Century Arabic society structure.Because of this differentation, the diffuculty in understanding Kor'an,rather increased among the present age Muslim societies. For this reason, we see ıt was suggested that two perspective, historical and universal understanding methods, since the second half of 20th Century, because of the fact that Kor'an includes cultural elements of Arabic society living in 7th Century,in the pre-Islamic period/term of jahiliye,and is a part of the culture of the community which was ıt born in. In this study, we trıed to analyse Kor'an rules/ahkâm from the point of these two perspective considering term of jahiliye Arabic society's culture. We searched whether Kor'an rules take into account the mental perceivings and traditions of society living in that time. We examined which kind of principles from the Tevrat and İncil are included in Kor'an and what type of rules are canceled or revised in Kor'an. We have searched for the dialectical ralationship between the content of Kor'an and culture of 7th Century Arabic society. From this perspective, we have revealed which traditions of Hebrews/İbrani and Arabic society of jahiliye term are formed in Kor'an. On the other hand, we examined How Kor'an placesthe universal principals to cultural structures of Arabic society are formed in Kor'an. In the process of construction of our study, we used the analytical andinduction method. In the conclusion of this study, It appeared that many rules, imaginations and thinkings in Kor'an are the continuation of Hevrew, Arabic customs and practices in term of jahiliye and so that, Kor'an has both reginol and universal structures. Key Words: Kor'an, Cahiliye, Rule, Arabic, Tevrat, İncil, Historicity.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 521 - Date: 2014 - Country: TR

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