*The existence of the hereafter according to the Quran

“*The existence of the hereafter according to the Quran ”


Abstract Of Title

VI ABSTRACT DOCTORAL THESIS ACCORDING TO THE QUR'AN THE EXISTING OF THE NEXT WORLD Veysel GÜLLÜCE Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veli Ulutürk 1996, page: 260 Jury: Assoc. Prof Dr. Veli Ulutürk One of the essential purposes of the Holy Qur'an is the belief of the Next World. This theme has been taken charge in the Qur'an from many aspects and widely. The Qur'an is taking charge of this theme, like other many themes, not only from believing aspect, but from nationel aspects. The sufficient answers with powerful evidences for claims and excuses oftheunbelivers had been given in the Qur'an and also these answers had been confirmed. We may classify the various Qur'anic evidences connected with the existing of the Next World in two groups: a. The evidences on possibility of the Next World. b. The evidences of coming forth of the Next World.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 249 - Date: 1996 - Country: TR

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