*The role of love in the formation of the ideal human model proposed by the Qur'an

“*The role of love in the formation of the ideal human model proposed by the Qur'an”


Abstract Of Title

SUMMARY Role of Love In The Constitution Of Perfect Man That Kor* an Offers Almighty God has created unlimited love in man. Man can use his will may be able to love various objets. On the one hand, The Kor' an gives us advice About usind love so that we can attain happiness in this temporary world and the hereafter. On the other hand, The Kor' an want that man should know and love God. Because He has created man as the most beautiful and the most perfect form. Also, The Kor' an announces that man should love the other man and the vivid objects around him. Because he spends his whole life in this environment. Because of this The Kor' an offers that God's love, man's love and enviranment love have all an important role to play in the constitution of perfect man. It is necessary to say that in this doctorate thesis the key concept is, "God's love". Whichever kind of love you mention, this love is not only an a abstract concept but also, an attitue, an behaviour; that is love has got manifestations. Accordind to this main idea, when this love transforms into actions it will be very significant. So, God's love influences man's other relationships. God's love, which is related to the belief in Him an the knowledge of Him, becomes concrete through obeying Him and fufliling His orders, rules, which give the man psysical and metaphysical happiness, the person who has got love that has manifested into worshiping and having moral values achieves both God's love an] man' s love. İn adition, a man that loves God, loves His cereatures sincerly. Also, loving women, children or parents can transform into a good attitude and behavior showing them interest, behaviring them very well and respecting their rights. İt is important not to forget God's love and not to love the other loved objects more than God. Man should follow in the same direction as to the environment. İn this thesis, "environment" means property, animals and plants. Measurement of loving those is God's love. So all of them are worthy to be loved as a favour of God. if we accept God's love as a measurement of love we can treat loved objects so kindly and compasionately. İn order to this, we don't want to insult or injure loved objects such as man, plants, animals. Thus, we can live in peace, happiness and love. 22

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: English - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 290 - Date: 2002 - Country: TR

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