“*The Kalu bela fact in Koran ”
Abstract Of Title
ABSTRACT Hofy God wanted to create a khalif taking position and working by hmme^ in the name of God after He (God) had improve earth as a perfect condition that human being can live in mere. After in that Üme-thereupon He created Hofy Adam mud tlten He gave him a kmd of properties suck as inteMgenee, knowledge and wilt, and He approved human beings* superiority against spiritual creatures that hadn 't been happy when God had said that He would have created human being. An existence tltat have a sort of privilege and mission before not to being sent to the earth, He (Gat® brought forth him (Adam) and children of his (Adam) - that would come into the world till Day of Resurrection- from their hum and then He made an agreement with them. This issue is mentioned on Hofy Koran in surah AV Araf 172-17$ And (remember) when your Lord drew forth from the children of Adam pom their lams their descendants and made them testify concerning themselves (saying): "Am I mot yom Lord (who cherishes and sustains you)?" They said: "Yes! we do testify!" (TMs) tort you should say on the Day of Judgment "of this we were never mûiâfkl " Or lest yom should say: "ourfatlters before us may have taken false gods but we are (their) descendants after them: will you tlten destroy us became of the deeds of mm who were futile?" These verses of Koran that lets known "main agreement' thai was made® between God and human beings in past eternity was interpreted differently. WhUe one of them is thai the event didn't happen as explained, the other view persisted such. And tltey brought up that Prophet and his friends undershtod smelt. It h suitable UtM true is this. ActMOttys unless there are any manias to interpret to manifestation of verse of Koran, to misinterpret and to think its metaphor are twt thing else ikon forcing ilie mind more than necessary and crushing it under unknown issues. AbovemenOaned confession is present in promises thai are made to God in different manners in the present Bible, by imphcatwn as content and it (confession) is present clearly in Holy Koran. This h also clear declaration in accordance with first pact, every child that comes mm the world k b&m as a mmtirn. That's why every human being is tike that mail he is an adult, God didn't left people by themselves with their intelligent, knowledge and mW, and didn't examine them upon past eternity confession (main agreement); due to Hm mercy, a$ We elected emissaries among them and sent to them to remember and to threatens He wanted them to undertake necessary of "elest In various periods, some of kuman beings thai are subjected to these warnings listened to voice of their consciences occurred by 'elest confession' and sent prophets' invitations, so they show toy amy to main agreement, made in past eternity. On emtttasy to, as some of them followed titeir fatlters ikM were on false way mid idolized their desire and will, they reacted a decision on disloyalty. In these verses of Koran, for not to being missed persons; in suggestion world the importance of obeying oath-accepting God as a Lord (mam agreement) ilmi was promised hi past eternity is emptimked once more.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 212 - Date: 2000 - Country: TR