Studying of vocabulary related to the blief in the Qur'an translation in old Anatolian Turkish

“Studying of vocabulary related to the blief in the Qur'an translation in old Anatolian Turkish”


Abstract Of Title

In this study, vocabulary related to faith written in Old Anatolian Turkish in interlinear Kur'an translations has been analysed. In order to determine the vocabulary, two different interlinear Kur'an translations have been used as the source of data. Categorizing the newly discovered words according to their structure and thema statement form related to faith in the time of the translations writings has been tried to be presented. In the structural categorizing of the words, while one-word vocabulary has been evaluated from the point of simple and derived, phrase words are analysed in subheadings according to how they they are formed. First part of the study has been constituted on structural analysis of single and phrase words. At the end of one-word and derived words and each word group evaluations have been done and acquired data has been explained with tables and graphics. Analysed words have been evaluated in terms of frequency of usage. While second part consists of categorization of acquired words according to their thema, the last part consists of alphabetic index of defined words. Old Anatolian Turkish stands for literary language of Oghuz Turkish. Interlinear Kur'an translations presented at that time are sources rich in terms of having represented the lan-guage of the era as they aimed the larger masses who don't know Arabic. It is clearly seen that in the translations of Kur'an in Turkish how the answer was given to the need of voca-bulary in the language with Turkish words and how Turkish language took role in creating words and syntax.It is those language studies on this kind of works that should be getting more importance for the following development process of Turkish Language in Anatolia and determination of vocabulary.It also gains importance on acquired vocabulary in terms of reviving Turkish words whose usage has been limited and forgotten and providing cont-ribution to lexicology studies. Also when vocabulary is evaluated in terms of religious ter-minology it will bring new words to Turkish vocabulary spoken in Turkey.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 614 - Date: 2017 - Country: TR

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