*The nation of reason in view of education in Quran

“*The nation of reason in view of education in Quran”


Abstract Of Title

Abstract Wisdom is a subject that philosophy and holy religions give deeply importance to. Philosophy regards wisdom as means that leads to thought to produce thought, but religion, above all, regards wisdom as a means that leads to belief. Wisdom, in a dictionary, means to comprehend, to know, the ability acquiring the knowledge, to cambine and shelter. But as a wond meaninig it can be defined as "comprehension" by means of senser or using the way of thinking. When wisdom is in question the one that comes to oae's mind is undaubtedly Aristo. He handles this concept in two parts as passive intelligence coming from the bith and active intelligence acquired by time. The wisdom in which the Islamic philosophers have classi fied variably, in brief, can be summed up as the one by birth and the one acquived by time. And also, Islamic mystics classify wisdom as meas and mead as the main content of our studny is wisdom according to Koran in terms of education, we've partly mentioned about the definition of wisdom and its classification. We've put it aside for now to be studied on later on account of Koran. That Koran, which is the main source of Islamic education, handles wisdom not as a purename but in terms of a verb and its derivations and also functiens is something abligatory. That's to say, looking at wisdom not in terms of quantity but interms of qualiy, Koran gives value to the function that wisdom itself carries out. That supreme God first gives what he created, human, wisdom then reveals to that wisdom is very important. Moreover that in the ayaths revealed both in Mekke and Medine command human to use his mind Express that using mind is indefinite time period on accant of time. In Koran in many places and many time, that this question is asked Won't you use your mind? And God gives, trouble those who don't use their minds shows us howmuch Koran gives importance to use one's mind. After sayirg that he will consulton his mind IXafter Koran and Sünnet to sohre Muaz b. Cebel's the porblems of people in Yemen, being appointed to his post by the prophet Muhammed shaws the prophet Muhammed considers wisdom as one of the religious sources. Wisdom, whose meanings are stated above briefly, has derivatiens such as lüb, nüha, hicr, hilm, mira and functions that are formed by those derivations. If effect is presented as tenets by politicians to patriots, by educators to learners, thinking and producing people end also society will be formed. Education must be applied with all meanings of wisdom, its derivations and their functions. That nations develop, change and take the lead among the other nations in civilization race, depends on bringing up people using their minds fredy analyzing and synthesizeing on himself and his outer world, accordingly reaching new consequences. What will do this is education Koran which is the main source of Islamic education orders wisdom to be used through education. X

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 185 - Date: 2004 - Country: TR

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