*The Literal and figurative meanin in holy Quran

“*The Literal and figurative meanin in holy Quran ”


Abstract Of Title

147 ABSTRACT "THE LITERAL AND FIGURATIVE MEANING İN HOLY QURAN" Eh this study literal and methophoric meanings of verses (Ayat) İn Holy Qoran have been examined in terms of Rethoric expressions in classical Arabic language.Tihs study has three chapters. In introduction part are the subject and methods applied during teis study. In the second one, such concepts as literal and metaphoric meanings are defined regarding the Quranic terminology. Figurative language is often used in Arabic language. The kinds of traphes are determined and the following teypes are examined: Synecdochy, metonomy, metaphor, logical and literal figures of speech The subject of figurative language in Holy Quran is a controvertial one among the scholars studying on the Quranic science. The views of the scholars are presented either on the existence on the lack of figurative language in Holy Quran. Eventually the views of Quran interpreters are given on the subject of figurative language in Holy Quran. KEYWORDS: 1) Literal meaning 2) Trophes tie. 3) Teh- existence of trophes in Holy Quran 4) Meaning 5) Word

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 144 - Date: 1996 - Country: TR

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