Characteristics of Ummah of Muhammad according to Qur'an

“Characteristics of Ummah of Muhammad according to Qur'an”


Abstract Of Title

Ummah (community) is one of the concept that are frequently mentioned and accentuated in Qur?an. Ummah is different from other social groups since it conveys a large crowd of people tied with religious brothership. Religious brothership, similar to bricks of a building, clamps and unites all Muslims as one being.Communities that have been delivered rescripts are owned by their individual prophets and only one prophet has been sent to each community. The term ?Ummah of Muhammad? stands for the larger Muslim community that believes in Messenger Muhammad. This community of believers may be also called as ?The Ummah of Islam? or ?The Ummah of Response (Accept)?. Since all human beings are bound to the orders of Messenger Muhammad until doomsday, unblievers are called ?Ummah of Da?wah?. There are many characteristics of the Ummah of Muhammad that sets it apart and special from other religous communities. These characteristics are generally called to become distinguished and are special to the Muslim community.?Ummah of Muhammad? has different and superior attributes compared to other communities in regards to the way of belief in tawheed, after-life, angel, prophet and the holy book. It has important peculiarities in regards to divine services such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, alms and sacrificial. Ummah of Islam has very important social characteristics such as the best ummah, ummah of wasat (moderance, balance) and ummah of jihad. In addition to all of this, unlike the rest of all other religious groups, Ummah of Muhammad has been provided with privileges that have made its members? divine services to rules which their life easier through divine permissions.Such characteristics of Ummah of Muhammad forms its substance and identity, and they make it superior and more precious to previous ummahs (communities). For this reason, Muslims need to acknowledge these qualities which have experienced loss of significance during the past few centuries, and must fulfill the responsibilites it brings along.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 347 - Date: 2008 - Country: TR

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