*The Spirit in the Quran

“*The Spirit in the Quran ”


Abstract Of Title

221 SUMMARY The subject if spirit has always drawn peoples attention and been in their daily life. Because of its importence, I decided to study on this subject. (The Spirit in the Quran) This study (research) consits of six chapters. One of them "İntrouction and Result". İn introduction, I went through the decsriptions that had been made about the spirit and chose the best one. İn the first chapter, I tried to explain generai informaction about spirit. I offered the evedences of spirit existence, then, I examined wheter the spirit is mortal or immortal and I studied on the subjects such as the spirit with body and its seperate from body. I inquried the relationship between the spirit and body and wheter the spirit or body was created first. İn the second chapter, I studied which meanings the spirit has in Quran. These meanings are Quran, Cabriel, Christ, Strenght, revelation and the soul of humanbeing. We studied on the concepts related tos pirit in the third chapter. These are; Nefs (Soul), Heart, Mind (Brain). I perfomed their meanings in Quran and the relations with Spirit. İn the fourth chapter, I examined the subjects related to the spirit. These are the subjects such as Bezm-i Elest, breath of spirit to Adam, the rise of spirit to sky, sleep, death, dream, the universe of spirits and commands death, reincarnation, Berzah etc. I complated my study with a conclusion chapter.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 205 - Date: 2004 - Country: TR

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