Evaluating the exegesis resources on exemplification of moses' three rod miracles narrated in Quran

“Evaluating the exegesis resources on exemplification of moses' three rod miracles narrated in Quran”


Abstract Of Title

In this study is evaluated the paradigmes of the exegetes and typologic approaches produced by them, through the verses which are narrating miracles of "turning the Moses' rod into a serpent, parting of the sea by the rod and gushing out water from the rock by using the rod". Our subject is sorted out on four sections: The Three rod miracles within the scope of story arc, The three rod miracles within the scope of classical approach, The three rod miracles within the scope of approaches peculiar to modern period. In viewing the process of the aforesaid subjects, exegetes' mind systematics and turn of Quran phrace which arouses the different paradigmes, are taken into consideration. In this way, the factors being effective on differently-commenting process over the aforesaid miracles and verses is introduced both paradigm and text-centric. Introducing the different comments, the labels of the exegesises as dirâyî, rivâyî and ishari which are broadly accepted, are moved through. But the discourses presented by the exegetes had a central role. In other words the approaches of the exegetes are basically sorted out through discourse analysis. There are four human types in the story arc in terms of typology. These are Moses, Pharaoh, Israelites and sorcerers. The analysis produced by the exegetes for these types which part of them are originated from the paradigm is one of the basic research fields in our study. We could say in conclusion that the exegesis process isn't beyond of the exegete's own paradigm grasp. When it is considered that the exegete abides by the power of a paradigm which is inclined to melt the coming data to its perception in its own pot the difficulty of acheiving the message of the Quran on an objective ground comes out.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 378 - Date: 2019 - Country: TR

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