History and inalterability of the Quran's the example of al-Baqillani's al-İntisar li'l Quran

“History and inalterability of the Quran's the example of al-Baqillani's al-İntisar li'l Quran ”


Abstract Of Title

In the introduction section of the present dissertation on the subject of "History and Inalterability of the Quran" in al-Baqillani's al-Intisar li'l Quran, it was initially attempted to explain the need for such a study, and afterwards information was provided with regard to the study's scope, method and sources. In the first section, primarily, information was provided on the life of al-Baqillani, and general information was also given on the history of the Quran, using the knowledge content in al-Intisar as a starting point. Main subjects relevant to the Quran, The concept of wahy, the Quran's putting into paper, its collection and reproduction, the first and last ayat, arrangement of the sura and seven letter problem, were also subjected to examination in the first section. In the second section, the main subject of our dissertation, which is the "History and Inalterability of the Quran" was emphasized. Particularly, the claim of Quran's alteration, and discussion between the Followers of Sunnah and Imamah's Shia on the subject, were handled. As for the conclusion section, it contains the opinions and thoughts reached in consequence of the study. While these subjects were handled, knowledge, opinions and evaluations in the classical Uloom –ul- Quran literature, works from the earlier and later period, various dictionaries, and works and articles of current scientists were used. Keywords: Quran, Interpretation, Levh-i Mahfuz, Ummu'l-Kitab, Wahy, Authenticity, Followers of Sunnah, Shia, Alteration

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 213 - Date: 2018 - Country: TR

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