“The concept of happiness and i̇ts education in the Quran”
Abstract Of Title
From the First Age up to now, happiness, which is one of the priorities of thought systems, ancient beliefs and divine revelations,maintains its agenda in every age as it is a feeling that every individual desires to reach. All kinds of changes and transformations experienced in the historical process affect the meanings attributed to the sense of happiness, and each age experiences happiness according to its own perspective. Happiness, which was seen as a gift or chance of the Gods in the First Age and accepted to be experienced within the field determined by theology in the Middle Ages, is experienced as an emotion determined by the individual in the modern era. According to modern understanding, happiness is shaped by the idea of satisfying the desires and desires of the individual. The Qur'an builds the imagination of absolute happiness, which is appropriate for the creation of the individual. The first part of the study, which consists of four chapters in total, describes the conceptual framework of happiness, the second part discusses happiness in terms of the classification of it in the historical process, and the in third part, the biological, psychological and sociological functioning of happiness is discussed. The last part of the study examines the issues of classification, education, and management of happiness in the Qur'an and points out how to build this feeling in imagination according to the Qur'an.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 345 - Date: 2019 - Country: TR