Jihad in the light of Qur'an and applications of Prophiet Mohammad

“Jihad in the light of Qur'an and applications of Prophiet Mohammad ”


Abstract Of Title

The Jihad concept in general Islamic terminology contains a wide semantic field. With in this context jihad desciribed that every kind of endeavour to reach pleasant of God. Jihad is the thema which that discussied in Islamic Law. The war in Islamic Law is named as Jihad because of distinction from a other wars and to contain some juridical conclusions. But orientalists takes part priority especially that mean war than mean Jihad. Thus is assumed that a religion of Islam approves violence and the Prophet Mohammad is named that as a prophet who have shed blood mans by orientalists. Due to Islamic religion is assumed arguments that speared out by sword. Even so the concept jihad is considered that as struggle with weapons untill mans of all worlds to be Muslims. Whereas in the light of Qur'an and applications of Prophet Mohammad is seen that the relations Muslims with none-Muslims are based the principle of peace. The war is that as a struggle of existence against to be Muslims. In this from perpective, the all wars of Prophet Mohammad are legal and justice. In the final analysis the concept Jihad is consist of definition peace with Islamic universal principles in the individual and society. In the activities of Islamic invitation, the war is obligated Muslims as end way and struggle of life to against of religional faith freedom with some activities of violence. Consequently this investigation is aimed that desciription the place of jihad with dimension mean war in the basis light of Qur'an and applications Prophet Mohammad.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 246 - Date: 2005 - Country: TR

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