Hutoricism from the Holy Qur'an perspective

“Hutoricism from the Holy Qur'an perspective ”


Abstract Of Title

Hutoricism From The Qoranil Perspective Keywords: Historicitiy, historicism, empathy. This study covers an analysis of the historicist thesis advocating a study of the Holy Qur'an. In that we put the emphasis on the characteristics of the Holy Book. The study is composed of three main chapters. The first chapter covers a terminological study of historicism, history as the time dimension of events and philosophy of history. This was done in order to cover various philosophies of history and the historicist method that emanated from these philosophies. Instead of criticising each of the historical methods and philosophises of history, a method of analysing critiques of each method to the others is adapted. The aim of this chapter is restricted to give an answer to the question: "What and how can be a historicist reading of the Holy Qur'an?" The second chapter historicity and other characteristics of the Holy Qur'an is analysed. The main question of this chapter was: "Whether the Holy Qur'an can be a product of the seventh century or not? Was the cultural context and thinking of the seventh century capable of producing a Qur'an? The original hypothesis of the paper pre-supposed a clear "No" answer. Thus the Holy Book is analysed from the perspective that it is revealed to the man. As thus, the paper deals with reasons of revelation (asbab al-nuzul) and cancellations (nehy) so as to show that the Holy Qur'an takes its first spectators as very important. The third chapter contains the ideas of the advocates and rejecters of historicism and their proponents. This necessitated a clear study of one of the advocates of historicism: Fazl al- Rahman. This priority was given to Fazl al-Rahman since he was the one to develop a theory about understanding the Holy Book. This same chapter included a comparison of historicist tradition with two newly developed ideas perceiving historicism with man being the axis. In that effort Yedullah Kazmi's endeavour to develop a faith-centred philosophy. At first sight Kazmi's position seems to be contradicting that of Fazl al-Rahman and it is a task of this paper to explain those contradictions

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 306 - Date: 2003 - Country: TR

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