Prepositions of lam / la / ma in Arabic language and its usage in Holy Quran

“Prepositions of lam / la / ma in Arabic language and its usage in Holy Quran ”


Abstract Of Title

There are three kinds of words in Arabic, namely 'noun, verb and letters'. In many works, old and new, instead of 'harf' the broader term 'preposition' is used. Prepositions (adawât), include all types of 'harf' words, including pronoun names, adverbs names and also some auxiliary verbs. Some of the most commonly used prepositions overall in Arabic, particularly in the Quran are 'lam', 'la' and 'ma' prepositions. These three prepositions, having a total of seventy subgenre, are the elements that provide richness of meaning for the Quran verses. This thesis is about the 'lam', 'la' and 'ma' prepositions in Arabic Language, their linguistic functions and their use in the Holy Qur'an. In the introduction, the scope of the issues are mentioned, the relevant sources are addressed and the concepts related to the topic have been outlined. In the first part, the sub-types of 'lam', 'la' and 'ma' prepositions have been identified and their meaning from rhetorical aspects and their functions from the grammar aspect were revealed. Starting from the oldest sources until now, the subject of 'prepositions' is researched by the help of grammar and eloquence books, and especially 'huruf al-maani' books that directly deal with this topic. In the second part, the prepositions used in the Quran and their semantic contribution were examined by giving a sufficient number of verses as examples under each heading. We tried to reflect the richness of the subject by providing linguistic analysis on the related prepositions extracted from books like I'rab al-Qur'an, Ma'ani al-Qur'an, Ulum al-Qur'an and philological tafsirs. We have also provided a correct translation of the Qur'an verses in a way that reflects the context of the verse. This thesis work has been completed with an epilogue containing the results we got.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 419 - Date: 2015 - Country: TR

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