The hasr (restriction) style in arabic rhetoric and evaluation of the Turkish translations of The Holy Quran meanings in the hasr style

“The hasr (restriction) style in arabic rhetoric and evaluation of the Turkish translations of The Holy Quran meanings in the hasr style”


Abstract Of Title

The hasr (kasr) style emerges from styles by merging the two opposing judgments into a single expression style and limiting the qualification to qualified or the qualified to qualification. However, most of the translations did not reflect the meaning of hasr in the Holy Quran to the Turkish language in an appropriate manner. The divine message and purpose that necessitated the choice of hasr in the speech was lost or diminished. It is ine-vitable to prove the accuracy and inaccuracy of this hypothesis and to provide solutions to the problems of expression in the Quran translations. For this purpose, firstly, in order to understand the hasr expressions in the Quran, was studied comprehensively the hasr in Arabic rhetoric. Then, in the determination of whether these hasr expressions reflect in the Quran translations the style of the hasr in the Turkish language was widely discussed in order to provide evidence and criteria. Errors and truths of each Quran translations in reflecting the hasr style into Turkish was shown. At the end of each evaluation, was suggested a translation of the Quran that was produced in the appropriate Turkish language way for the hasr way of the Quran. The status of the Quran translations was presented in terms of the expression of the meaning of hasr in Turkish verses and the ways of the hasr they used for this purpose were shown as nume-rical values and percentages in the tables created in the SPSS program for social sciences.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 441 - Date: 2019 - Country: TR

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