Decisiveness of the Qur'an and sunnâh in Mâturîdîye: The cases of epistemology, miracles and torment of grave

“Decisiveness of the Qur'an and sunnâh in Mâturîdîye: The cases of epistemology, miracles and torment of grave”


Abstract Of Title

"Mâturîdîye" is the name of an Islamic theological sect formed by the contri-bution of various Hanafîte scholars in Transoxania. Approximately five centuries af-ter Abû Hanifa, his followers -the Hanafîtes- began to be called as "Mâturîdîtes". "Mâturîdîtes" are generally known as a rationalists. The use of rational methods by sectarian scholars while fighting the extremist groups is one of the main reason of such a negative perception. İndeed, it is obvious that in İslam, as a "divine religion", theological principles are determined by the Qur'an and Sunnah. This is a neccessity of common mind on which Islamic scholars have also agreeed. Therefore, investiga-ting the formation of a sect needs the determination of the correct data on the secta-rian-nass relationship and the use of suitable methods. So we studied Abû Hanîfa, his first followers and Hanafîtes in Transoxania chronologically, focusing on episte-mology, miraceles and torment of grave. We used İslâmic Sectarian History Method to achieve objectivity and to take into consideration "time-idea-incident" relations-hip. We concluded that although Al-Mâturîdî had a deep effect, developments took place within the boundaries of "Hanafîte" sect. "Mâturîdîtes" always sustained the strong and healthy ties with the Qur'an and Sunnâh established earlier by Abû Hani-fa, the founder and touchstone of the sect. In this respect, the relationship with Qur'an and Sunnâh during the transformation of Hanafîye to Mâturîdîye is very si-milar to changes seen in human being after he borns: Evolving and developing, but always protecting his basic structure. That is why we suggest that the Hanafites in Transoxiana should be named as Hanafîte-Mâturîdîye, rather than as Mâturîdîye, if not Neo-Hanafîtes or Hanafîye only.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 507 - Date: 2019 - Country: TR

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