The doctrine of salvation in the Qur'an

“The doctrine of salvation in the Qur'an”


Abstract Of Title

Salvation is the gaining of endless happinies of the human being in the paradise by performing true faith and true behavior in the world.In the first chapter we searched the concepts related with salvation inner or outer effects of human who have any religious belief or thoughts of salvation. For human beings to believe a religion or doctrin they are affected by speciliaties they have from birth beliefs they gain from their parents or from surroundings. Each groub is happy with their beliefs and consider others not reached to salvation and others can not enter the paradise. Muslims also say similar things. But entering to paradise neither depends on muslims nor on people of the Scripture: ?But, enter to the Pardise, it will not be in accordance with Muslim?s desires, nor the desires of the people of the Scripture. He who does wrong will have the recompense thereof, and will not find against God any protecting friend or helper. And whosoever does good works, wheter male or female, and is a believer, such will enter the paradise, and they will not be wronged so much as the spot on a datestone.? (4/123-124).In the second chapter the elements which affect salvationare classified in different verses in the Qur?anin three parts such as basics of belief, worships, moral prenciples. To reach salvation on the belief isn?t enough, you need good deeds. Those who believe and fulfil good deeds will go to the paradise. Everybody will be justified with his the smallest good deeds or his slightest misdoings in the next world: ?That day mankind will proceed in scattered groups that they may be shown their deeds. Then, whoever does an atom?s weight of good willl see it. And whoever does an atom?s weight of evil will see it also.? (99/6-8). At the end of the evulation in the next world those whose good deeds are more than misdoings will reach the salvation and enter the paradise which is considered the place of endless hapiness; and those whose misdoings are more than their good deeds will go to hell which is considered the place of torture for people who lost salvation.Key Words: Salvation, belief, deed, paradise, hell.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 436 - Date: 2008 - Country: TR

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