“The nature of Qur'anic message in terms of historicity and universality”
Abstract Of Title
The divine message in the Our'an has been revealed to address the whole ofhumanity wherever and whenever they live and lived. As well as addressing all people,components that make up the message such as the addressor, the addressee, the purpose,the content and that the message is informative and continuative; all points to the fact thatthe divine message in the Qur'an has been sent for all people. The Modernist HistoricalApproach has focused on the historical context of the people (interlocutors) at the time thatthe Qur'an was revealed, yet, it considers the Qur'an as a literary text from history ratherthan a divine message from the God. The reason for this is that it hasn't been able toestablish its other components in the way that the Qur'an had been and is presented.What is aimed by inclusion of the historical events and situations of the time theQur'an was revealed is to convey the universal message that is needed by the whole ofhumanity. When the examples given in the Qur'an are considered, there will be no doubtthat these examples are not only for people who lived in that period, but they are also forpeople in every era and region. Establishing the historical context and conditions in whichthe Qur'an was revealed accurately, and in a proper manner serves as a window thatenables people to see the `beyond history' and universal dimensions of the Qur'anic verses.The fact that the divine message is universal holds true for all of its topics includingbelief, worship, morality, justice and cohabitation. In all values stated - regarding belief,worship, morality and law, it aims to provide guidance at all times - with every topicthoroughly being taken into consideration. Even though the context in which these valueswere first made known is in the past, it doesn't mean they can't be used in the present andfuture. The message in the Qu'ran is universal is for the past, present and the future - itis beyond history.The clearest sign pointing to the fact that the Qur'an has been revealed for the wholeof humanity is that this message has been revealed by almighty God who has created all ofexistence. The Eternal and Everlasting Creator is not limited by time and space. Likewise,his words in the Qur'an are to address people in a universal manner that cannot be limitedby time or space.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 476 - Date: 2008 - Country: TR