“The phenomenon of war in the Qur'an”
Abstract Of Title
The Holy Qur?an sees the war as eliminating the life of human being in this world emphasizing its occurrence with the maintenance of some divine wisdom in context of its legitimacy. Some wisdoms are as following:" ????????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ??????????? ???????? " (And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief- ?2. Baqara: 251?) and more clear than this verse Allah Almighty says: " ????????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ?????????????? ??????? ??? ????????? ????? ??????? ????????? ??????? " (Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause); for verily Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will)- ?22. Haj: 40?)In spite of being extraordinary the war is indeed a true phenomenon which occurred in the past, still goes on today?s world and will re-occur in the future. However, the tragic results of the wars can be changed according to the fighter sides. For instance one party who do not care of humanity can brutally massacre and murder others. But the religion of Islam has put a ?War Ethics? which is unique and do not have any similar ones neither in any divine or human laws to prevent such brutal massacres in the wars and to prevent the beginning of the wars as far as possible. At this understanding a war could be evaluated as a event of not destruction, destroy and eliminating the people. Therefore in the wars such understanding and war ethics of Muslim Army clearly showed positive results."??? ????????? ??? ????????" (Let there be no compulsion in religion- ?2. Baqara: 256?) Taking this principle into consideration it is not wrong to say there were fights and an era of jihad of swords at the long history of Islam. However this sword had been never targeted any person to convert him or her and will never done so. The concept of the war in complete framework of the Holy Qur?an is carried out in such understanding.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 200 - Date: 2008 - Country: TR