“The belief of the Meccan's in the pre-Quranic period according to the Quran”
Abstract Of Title
İn Noble Quran, it is stated that Ka?bah which was built in Mecca, was the first temple on the earth. The Almighty Creator who is the Owner Of House sent the last divine inspiration to Mecca. Liveability of Islamic Religion ?by being lived in streets of Mecca and Medinah? was presented as a model to post ages.Mecca stands as a place where Jahiliyyah (Days of Ignorance) in pre-Islamic era and Post- Islamic Golden Ages had been lived in with this aspect. Mecca is in the state of a historical museum that people can find for good or ill model person and personalities in every age. Every scene lived in there were enlightened under the guidance of Quran and in the light of history.We think that the last divine invitation wasn?t sent coincidentially to Mecca in Arabian Peninsula, accordingly the first house built in Mecca is also the Messenger for the last religion brouhgt by the last prophet Holy Mohammed. With the integrity of Quran, we tried to reveal what were the wrongs in Meccan who were blurred shirk to their Allah belief, what were the things and how they were distorted in other religious beliefs and how they were determined and adjusted by the verse of Quran.Keywords:Mecca, Ka?bah, Prophet, Jahiliyyah, Quran, last Messenger
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 239 - Date: 2010 - Country: TR