Text-meaning relation in Quran teaching

“Text-meaning relation in Quran teaching ”


Abstract Of Title

This research presents a method suggestion that tries to meet the text with themeaning in Qur?an teaching. Its main purpose is like a contribution for teaching theirmeanings as well as memorizing sura and prayers that take place in formal education.The basic of this method is to establish the meaning and to provide standing ofmeaning in memory by means of the words that transferred from Arabic to Turkish.In Chapter prefatory, the problem, subject, purpose, importance, and methodof research have been brought up.In Chapter I, how kind book of Qur?an, its purpose and content (subjects)have been handled, the subject of being understood of Qur?an in Qur?an has beendiscussed. Also Qur?an teaching, teaching places and lecture contents (programs)have been come up. Translations and interpretations, their problems and the activitiesin the field of formal education today have been handled.In Chapter II, method and application samples on text and meaning relationhave been placed. Also a summary of the performed research and the suggestionsmade about this subject have been brought up.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 165 - Date: 2006 - Country: TR

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