The Notion of Gharib Al-Qur'an in the Exegesis of Al-Tabari

“The Notion of Gharib Al-Qur'an in the Exegesis of Al-Tabari ”


Abstract Of Title

SUMMARY "The Notion of Gharib al-Qur'an in the Exegesis of al-Tabari" Key Words: 1. Qur'an 2. Exegesis 3. al-Tabari 4. al-Jâmi al-Bayân 5. Gharib al-Qur'an This thesis deals with one of the important topics of the Qur'anic sciences, namely the notion of gharib al-qur'an in the exegesis {al-Jâmi al-Bayân an Ta'wil Ây al-Qur'an) of famous classical exegete, Ibn Jarir al-Tabari. The thesis consists of one introduction and three chapters. The first chapter talks about the life and works of Tabari, especially his commentary in great detail. In the second chapter, we concentrate on the notion of gharib al-qur'an. Here we also give information about Tabari's methodology in dealing with the gharib al-qur'an in his exegesis. Chapter three gives the examples and translation of Tabari's usage of gharib al-qur'an. Having read his exegesis from the beginning to end, we try to find what kind of words he considered as gharib, and then we show how he explained these obscure terms in his exegesis. It is also worth noting that we benefit from various sources such as biographical works, exegesis, methodological works to make comparison between his and other works concerning the gharib al- qur'an. In conclusion, it is seen that the notion of gharib al-qur'an is a very impotant topic in the works of the exegesis and the methodology of exegesis. It is the main topic of earlier exegetical works. It is also observed that from the time of prophet onwards the scholars of the Qur'an focus primarily on the gharib terms of the Qur'an. The importance of Tabari, however lies in the feature of his enycylopeadic exegesis in which he collect what he has found until his time. In addition, he also developed a new approach to the gharib terms. Consequently, his exegesis becomes a major work to be applied in this topic, therefore it is not wrong to say that in the understanding of this miracilous Book (the Qur'an), the importance of Tabari's work preserve its status up to now. XI

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 253 - Date: 2004 - Country: TR

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