“Poverty and richness in the Quran ”
Abstract Of Title
Poverty and Richness are two facts, going on from the beginning to the end of humanity.These two facts include one of the ideas of both religion and worldly.In this work,we attempt to examine how the Qur?an presents these two facts.During preparing this subject systematically,interpretation method was based on.Human-being is charged to know Allah and to worship him.On the other hand,he is also charged to obey his rules.Therefore there is no seperation between material and moral part of a humanbeing.A muslim?s works for his earth life and after-death are eveluated as in his worship.There are both useful and harmful parts of Poverty and Richness. Islam,on the one hand, while trying to protect people from the negative possible effects of existence,on the other hand, it has been consolating people who are face of poverty and famine as a result of different causes.Poverty and Richness are in a same situation exactly.Richness has lots of patience and trying to be saved.Richness has lots of harms according to non-beleivers. The people were against to Prophets first who provocated instigation are non-beleivers riches. In our century,because of being discontented the beleifs and relegions of the people,who are destroying earth and exploiting the poors have the same power and richness and power providing people such as believers or non-beleivers to live in a comfort and peace.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 279 - Date: 2008 - Country: TR