“Qur'an and social psychology”
Abstract Of Title
The purpose of this investigation is to examine relations between the Qur'an and social pschology. This philosophical docorate thesis contains one introduction and three chapters. The aim, methode. and scope of this thesis are explained in the introduction. In first chapter, it is considered that relations between the Qur'an and sociology, pschology, social pschology from social sciences. In second chapter, it is examined that concepts of individual, features of i;id/.ıJuâ^, faiths, pesonality features, attitudes, behaviours, socialization, alienation in social pschology as a with comparision knowledges by the Qur'an and it is tried to explain that aspects of similar and different from social pschology knowledge. In third chapter, it is investigated themas under as a with comparision that concept of group in social pschology and the Qur'an title that semantic field of group concept, back ground to form group, behaviour in group, behaviour between in with groups, culture, mass, mass communication, leadership, social change. The aim of this doctorate thesis is to understanding the Qur'an with profitting from sociology, pschology. religion pschology. religion sociology, social pschology and social sciences. We have studied as a with comparision that konowledges of social pschology and Quranic remarks on social pschology themas. Qur'anic knowledges on human, group, and society The philosophical docorate thesis is reached and fixed that aspects of similar and different knowledges as a with comparision by the Qur'an and social pschology.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 301 - Date: 2005 - Country: TR