Ethical principles in the Qur'an -A comparative study with the Torah, the Psalms and the new testament

“Ethical principles in the Qur'an -A comparative study with the Torah, the Psalms and the new testament ”


Abstract Of Title

ETHICAL PRINCIPLES IN THE QUR?ÂN-A COMPARATIVE STUDY WITH THE TORAH, THE PSALMS ANDTHE NEW TESTAMENT-Celil K RAZ(PhD Thesis)SUMMARYThe thesis is composed of an introduction, four main parts and a result. In theintroduction, the problem that examined in the study, the method which used to solve thisproblem and the bibliographical sources that benefitted in the study are generallypresented. It is examined in the Part One, under the title of The Science of Ethics, ThePhilosophy of Ethics and The Approaches of The Religious Ethics, the definition of thescience of ethics, its subject, its aim, its parts, its relations with the another disciplines,important ethical schools, understanding of the ethics in the Judaism, Christianity andIslam. It is examined in the Part Two, under the title of Ethical Principles of Individualand Family, the subjects of the general looks of the Qur?ân and previous sacred books tothe individual, the individual?s ethical responcibility toward God, the general looks of theQur?ân and previous sacred books to the family and the ethical responcibilities of themembers of family each other. It is examined in the Part Three, under the title of SocialEthical Principles, the subjects of the general looks of the Qur?ân and previous sacredbooks to the society, the ethical principles of the society in the Qur?ân and previous sacredbooks like honesty, generosity and chastity etc. It is examined in the Part Four, under thetitle of the Ethical Principles Reletad to The State, The Politics, The Work and The Trade,the subjects of the general looks of the Qur?ân and previous sacred books to the state andpolitics, the ethical responcibilities of the statemen and citizens, the general looks of theQur?ân and previous sacred books to the work and trade, the ethical principles relating tothe work and trade. It is mentioned in the Part Result, the results which we reached in thestudy. We ended the study with listing of the sources that we used in the study.Key Words: Qur?ân, Qur?ânic Interpretation, Ethics, The Torah, The Psalms, The NewTestamentAdvicer: Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman ÇET N p. XIII+302

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 315 - Date: 2005 - Country: TR

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