The principles of personal education in the Quran

“The principles of personal education in the Quran”


Abstract Of Title

Educution has been fact with significant implication in human life from the past to the present. Because the need of training is innate, people have given great importance to the concept of education.The main purpose of this research is to reveal how personality training can be done in line with educational principles that Quran introduced.The research consists of the introduction three parts. In the first part of the study, the definition of education, its objectives, the Fundamentals of education which are based on and the training features (that are) foreseen in the Quran are being held. We encountered the definitions related to education which are diferent from each other. The reason for this as well, we have seen that people put out definitions and objectives in line with their beliefs and thoughts.İn the second part of the study we also examined the definitions dealt with different aspects of personality. We focused upon the concepts of character, personality, figure, individual, person, temperament, mood, ego and sakile which are closely related and often confused with the concept of personality. We have included the factors affecting the formation and development of personality which is nourished from various sources, person training purposes according to the Quran and methods used during training. we have seen that the purpose of personal education in the Quran is to train faithful, righteous, healthy, courageous, strong willpower, having distinctive personality and creative generations.In the third section, forming the last part of the study, concept of the 'policy' in general has been addressed, then, the principles to be considered during training and negative personalities with their characteristics according to the dealing style of Quran are included. In addition to these, we have tried to express who and how the sample model of personality would be. We have seen that the most beautiful example for everyone who believes in Allah and hereafter is Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), trained by God, an exalted moral, sent as a mercy of the worlds people, loving, and extremely compassionate towards the believers.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 249 - Date: 2011 - Country: TR

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