“Hadiths containing Quranic references in the Sahih-İ Muslim”
Abstract Of Title
Kütüb-i Sitte symbolizes the most credible six hadith corpuses of the hadith literature of Sunni Muslims. Among them, the ones of Buhârî, Muslim and Tirmizî contain separate chapters issued commentary of Quran. Although the commentary chapters of Buhârî and Tirmizî are similar to each other volumetri-cally, the one of Muslim is so slight that cannot be compared to the other two. This is very interesting; because, there is a very close relationship between the three muhaddises at stake. They live contemporarily. While Buhârî is the master of Muslim, Muslim is the master of Tirmizî. The volumes of their works, which take part in Kütüb-i Sitte, are nearly equal. At this conjunction, the diversification of the situation in commentary chapters attracts curiosity of the readers. This study examines the loss of balance in equity among the commentary chapters.The first chapter of this study compares the commentary part of Muslim with the ones of Buhârî and Tirmizî. Just in the first reading of the books, it is explicitly noticed that Muslim acted selectively in choosing the narratives that he took in the commentary part of his book. Each of these narratives contributes to understanding of Quran. Because of this, in the comparison between commentary chapters, the narratives are examined in their potential of making contribution to understanding of Quran. Whereas there are no narratives that do not contribute to understanding of Quran in the commentary chapter of Muslim, many narratives are detected that do not contribute to understanding of Quran in the commentary chapters of Buhârî and Tirmizî. So, the related chapter of Muslim is limited. Alt-hough, at the first glance, this makes readers to think that Muslim pay attention to the feature of making contributions to Quran understanding when he chooses the narratives that he takes his book, it is clear that attaining such a judgment without examining the narratives attributed to Quran in the other chapters of the book.The second chapter of this study examines the narratives attributed to Quran in the other chapters of Muslim?s Sahih. At the end of this examination, it is seen that there are many narratives that makes contributions to understanding Quran in all other chapters of the book, like the ones in the chapter of commentary. In this case, it is obvious that the criterion of Muslim in choosing the narratives, which he put under the commentary part, is different from what we have thought in the previous chapter. This criterion may be related to the characteristics based on ascription. Thus, all the narratives from each chapter are considered from the aspect of ascription. At the end, it is founded that, in the narratives from the commentary part and the ones from the other parts, Muslim?s şeyhs (masters) and tahammulu?l-hadiths (from which the narratives are taken), are coherent to each other. While, all the narratives except one are mevkuf in the commentary chapter, most of them are merfu in the other chapters. So, the narrative choice of Muslim may be related to the kind of the narrative. However, there is a merfu narrative in commentary part, whereas there are some, even if just a bit, mevkuf ones in other parts. To make a decision without examining them one by one will be defective.As a matter of fact, at the end of the examination of all contradictory narra-tives one by one it is appeared that the opinion above is false. The reason that leads Muslim to keep the commentary part very narrow is nothing but the method that he notifies at the beginning of his book. He gives one narrative with all its versions in one chapter, and does not repeat it. Besides, since he does not approve to give his own opinions near to the narratives, the explanations of the issues keep bounded with the given narratives. In such a case, he gives priority to the chapters, which are related to the issues, when he put the narratives. Thus he aimed to make itikadî, fıkhî and ahlakî issues of the narratives more comprehensible. He prefers to put the narratives, which are not necessary for the other parts, into the commentary part. Thusly, he constitutes a commentary chapter small in volume but meticulous in content. It is worth praise that the skill Muslim has in choices of narratives.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 325 - Date: 2012 - Country: TR