“Education of the men struggle satan with the guidance Koran and Sunna”
Abstract Of Title
Human being was created as a caliph all of the world by Allah (God). Allahdidn?t get him. Being caliph is very responsibilities for him. He is dominating in thename of Allah all over the word.After creating human being (Prophet Adam), Allah started a procees toinformate him. Because Adam needed this process to be happy. All religion want humanbeing to achieve being happy and all religions accept that Satan as Badness do dam uphappiness. According Islamic Religion Satan represents all of badness. In that reasonAdam and his children must know how they struggle against Satan and badness. That isvery important in this world and the other world.In this thesis was studied on characteristics Satan and how human being tostruggle with Satan. This theme was studied in Koran and hadith.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 135 - Date: 2007 - Country: TR