“The Relationship between “al-Muqsamu bih” and “al-Muqsamu Alaih” in the Agsamu’l-Qur’an”
Yunus Emre Kurdock
Abstract Of Title
In the Holy Qur'an, our God has sworn on the persence of a lot like night, day, Moon, Sun, fig, olive as well as the day of resurrection, the angels, the Qur'an and himself. These swears/aqsam (the plural of the word "qasam") have been termed ii : Aqsamu'1-Qur'an" (swears/aqsam of the Qur'an) in the literature of Qur'anic sciences. Something which has been sworn by himself is called "al-muqsam bih" and something which has been sworn on himself is called "al-muqsam alaih". In the Arab Culture, aqsamwhich used widely and came before from the meaningful positive and the ne- gative sentences for to confirm them. In the Qur'an God has spoken in this style that is familiar to them. The point to be noted here is that the aqsam are not random, unlike they are in accordance with divine wisdom. To de- monstrate this wisdom will be possible by examining the relationship between al-muqsam bih and al-muqsam alaih. Here in this article, two elements of aqsamu'l-Qur'an were discussed in the light of some examples and has tried to reach some conclusions.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 38 - Date: 2015 - Country: TR