The holy and holiness in the Quran

“The holy and holiness in the Quran”


Abstract Of Title

Holy is a crucial concept in religions. It has been observed that the theologists have been focusing on it, trying to understand the religions through it and interpret the religions with it. In this context, there have been many research studies done and there are still many of them continuing to be done on the holy and holiness in many fields of science in the west. In this work, we tried to present what the meaning of "The Holy and Holiness" is and how it is explained in the Qur'an. We studied holy within the guidelines of the theologists according to the following aspects: Time, place and person. Other aspects of the concept were not taken into the categorization due not to stray from the point. Many notions related to holy are used in the Qur'an, but the absolute holy is shown to be only Allah. We see in the Qur'an that the holiness of Allah is described as an indisputable truth and that He introduces Himself with the adjective "Quddoos" in this context. The notions which Allah, the absolute holy, proclaims or shows as "relative (partial) holy" are named as sacred (Muqaddess) and blessed (Mubarak). The relative holy notions which are represented in the Qur'an may be related to time, place, person or other phenomena. The Qur'an may sometimes point to some of them, highlight some others and sometimes even let some concepts stay ambiguous. Besides, the Holy Creator has made contact through revelation and has been doing this also through inspirations to introduce Himself. Moreover, people have been in contact with the Holy by conveying their expectations by the means of their prayers (Dua). In conclusion, we tried to analyze and present the holy within notional frames and we put effort to show how it is defined in the Qur'an. Key Words: Holy, holiness, Haram, barakah (bounty), Quds, tazeem (honoring), revelation, inspiration, prayer (dua‟), Makkah, Jerusalem, fig (tree) "Teen", olive (tree) "Zaytoon", "Mount Sinai", the Haram months, the three holy months, the blessed nights, Laylat al-Qadr, Laylat al-Bara‟ah

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 303 - Date: 2013 - Country: TR

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