Metaphor Discussions in the Qur'an and the Approach of Ibn Taymiyya (728/1327) to the Question

“Metaphor Discussions in the Qur'an and the Approach of Ibn Taymiyya (728/1327) to the Question”

Abdul muttalip Arpa

Abstract Of Title

One of the oldest Islamic history of thought regarding the
understanding and interpretation of the Qur'an is the existence of allegory in its
text. The debate is origionally related to the scope of allegorical meanings in
Arabic language, and if it exists in the language whether it would be relèvent to
the Qur'an. The approval or rejection of allegory in language took place mostly
within linguistic questions, however, Qur'anic discussions were rather
connected to the theological aspects of the problem. Metaphysical terms and
expressions that were used in these debates had a major impact on this
development. The debates occured in a quiet atmosphere in the early periods,
but during the time of the prominent Salafi scholar Ibn Taymiyya it flared up in
a direction towards totally theological dimension. In the following periods the it
continued in the line of Ibn Taymiyya's scholarly contributions. In this article I
will explore the content and arguments of this question and analyse the views of
both sides regarding the debate.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 181-202 - Date: 2010 - Country: TR

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