Various Meanings of the Verb اقام and its Derivates in Arabic Language and Qur’an

“Various Meanings of the Verb اقام and its Derivates in Arabic Language and Qur’an”

Necdet Unal

Abstract Of Title

In this paper, it has been tried to show what kinds ofmeanings of the verb ~\.§\ and its
derivatives have in Arabic Language and Qur'an by referrlng to the Qur'an Exegesises
( tafseer) and the sources of Arabic Literature and by giving some examples from them. In
the last section, it has be_.en thought over the the meaning of the expressian of Ö~\!l
be ca use that the ver b ~U\ has be en used mostly with the word Ô~\ (prayer ); and it has
been tried to draw a conclusionfrom that. This study intends to be able to understand well
about Quranic verses including the verb in question and its derivatives.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 231-248 - Date: 2010 - Country: TR

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