The method of understanding and interpreting the Quran of Muhammed Izzet Circuitze

“The method of understanding and interpreting the Quran of Muhammed Izzet Circuitze ”


Abstract Of Title

SUMMARYDemir, Ekrem, ?Muhammed Izzet Derveze?s Approach to Understanding andInterpreting the Qur?an?, (Doctoral Thesis), Administrator: Prof. Dr. MehmetPaçacı, 263 page. IX volume.The Qur?an is the first and main source of Islam and the practitioners of thisreligion, the Muslims. In order to relieve hunger and thirst from this source, it isimperative to keep the source free from damage.The subject I have taken for my thesis ?Muhammed Izzet Derveze?sApproach to Understanding and Interpreting the Qur?an? consists of anintroduction, three main parts and a conclusion and summary.In the First Part, we have tried to establish the first leg of the foundation forour thesis by setting forth Derveze?s identity and the forces important to forming thatidentity. Derveze?s life is included with a general view evaluated from thestandpoint of the civilisational time and geography progression. The thoughts whichare the cumulation of the method to understanding and interpreting the Qur?ancannot be separated from the life of the individual forming those same thoughts. Forthis reason, the studies which take the interpreter?s work as its subject, and how hisworks were reflected in the world of science and learning have once again beengiven place in this section. In short, this part concentrates mainly on the identity andthe characteristic of Derveze who has tried to understand and interpret the Qur?an.In the Second Part, we have focused on our interpreter?s method tounderstanding the Qur?an. After short summaries of concepts such as ?The Qur?an?,?Understanding?, ?Method?,we further study Derveze?s views on ?The Study of theQur?an? and ?The History of the Qur?an?In the Third Part, we have concentrated on Derveze?s Approach toInterpreting the Qur?an.In the Conclusion and Summary Part we have outlined the results we havearrived at.

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 263 - Date: 2006 - Country: TR

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