“Illustrate Expression Examples in the Qur’an and Hadith”
Sadik Kilish
Abstract Of Title
The man who bom lnto a world, put forward the meanlngs that have been
taught and to get acqulre of one's own oplnlon, emotıon, even lmagination
from perspectıve of 'word' and 'writlng' dlrectly. One of the fields where
have been used word and wrltıng as means of the most effectıve communlcatıon
ls rellglous texts and thelr lnterpretatıons. From this perspectıve,
Qur'an and hadlths have got varlous features of style. One of the style features
ls expresston with lllustrate (temsil).
Quran has usecl tl1e ıııu'strate style from time to time some abstract moral
and splrltual truths for the purpose of more obvlous and more.concrete.
The key tem1 of this lllustrate style ls the word of 'parable' (mesel, emsal).
This lllustrate expresslan style has been formulated such as: 'presentatlon
oftlıe ratlonal into tlıe emotlonalform' and the most obvlous alın of this style
ls that clefinltlon: 'to get comprelıend to unders tanding the abstract and far
meanlngs to reason' (taqrib).
On the other hand, ın the hadlths ofProphet Muhammed taltes part greatly the
IJiustrate expresston style. The Prophet Muhammed has been lnfiuenced from
Qur'anle expresston style. The matn reason of this style feature In the hadiilis
of Prophet Muhammed ls cllclaetlc quallty and 'didactic' feature of this style.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 2010 - Date: 1.11.1940 - Country: TR