“The Parable of “Ditch Diggers (Ashab-I Uhdud)” in Qur’an”
Abdul Rahman Kassaboglu
Abstract Of Title
The Qur'an, In a profile from history, deseribes a eommunıty ealled "dlteh
dlggers (ashab-ı uhdud)" the members of whleh adopted the attıtude
of Jookıng on the people when they threw ınto the dilehes and persecuted.
Today, Jooklng on (or ıgnorlng) the vlolence has been sonıethlng wlth whlch
everybody nın across everywherc. These belng the reality. a large number
of people seem to be adapted to Jooklng on vlolence they come upon around
themselves. In this study, the attltude of looklng on the vlolence, especlally
wlth regard to Muslim people, ls consldered In connectlon wlth the messages
glven In the parable of "dıtch dlggers (ashab-ı uhdud)" In Qur'an.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 151-166 - Date: 2010 - Country: TR