“An Important Principle of Qur’an in Human Relations: “To Avoid Misdoing by means of Goodness””
Abdul Rahman Kassaboglu
Abstract Of Title
An Important Prıncıple Of Qu’ran In Human Relatıons:
“ To Avoıd Mısdoıng Bymeans Of Goodness”
One of the aims of the Qur’an in the realm of ethics is to
bring up persons who have made a part of their personality the attitude
of “avoiding misdoing by goodness”. Pointing to the difficulty
of having such a character Qur’an puts emphasis on the fact that a
believer, by means of his faith in God and by means of the motivations
of the rewards he will meet in the hereafter, acquires the capacity
of “avoiding the misdoing by means of goodness”.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 81 - 102 - Date: 2010 - Country: TR