“Social Collapse in the Qur’an”
Ejder Okumush
Abstract Of Title
Social collapse is a destruction which results from the onteome of
society vanishing or losingits independence, culture, civilization and
doıninance as a result of some social changes. As it is known in sociology,
social collapse is taken up by the cylical approach which is one
of the theories of social change. In this study, we try to analyze the
concept of social collapse in the text of the Qur' an. If one studies the verses of the Qur' an in detail, they will see that the concept of Sunnetuilah
(the law of God) has a central place in the context of social destruction
(helak-death/destruction of societies). According to the
Qur'an, the fundarnental dynarnic in the factor of the collapse or destruction
of society is the humanbeing. It is society in the sociological
perspective. Whereas the theories of social destruction approach the
subject with a different perspective.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 63-94 - Date: 2010 - Country: TR