“Freedom of Man’s Will in the Face of God’s Absolute Will in the Koran”
Hamdi Gundogar
Abstract Of Title
The problem of human freedam in Islam must be adressed together with
the absolute will ~nd knowledge of God that reported in the Koran. Because one's
own existence is not self- but it depends on God. The arrival of man in the world,
but also to leave the world is wlthin God's will and his wisdom. The free will of human
potential and the ability to make choices also are covered by God's power and
the will.
Verses in the Koran that states that God's absolute will and knowledge, as
well as the owner, there are many verses stating that people have the willpower.
These verses is reported that the people responsible for things they do and the
verses reward people when they make good things, bad things when they reported
to the penalty claims. In this way to keep people alert and responsible for the actions
of the Qur'an, shows that human beings have free will.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 115-134 - Date: 2010 - Country: TR