“Problem of Origin of Languages in the Perspective of the Quran”
İsmail Aydin
Abstract Of Title
The first discussions on the topic of the origin of the languages starts from fifth century BC. The source of the language has been subject of wonder in all cul-tures. Because the language is one of the most basic consepts that has been ex-isted in a community. From this point of view, it is almost impossible to talk about a community, which hasn‟t discussed the source of the language. Of course, many different approches related to the topic have been put forward ac-cording to ever culture. In Islamic culture, this topic is handled by focusing on the Quran. As a result, the ideas on the topic of the source of language has a re-ligious and mentally character for Muslim communities.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 95-115 - Date: 2011 - Country: TR