(A Historical Conveyance in the Qur’ân (Simianized Human Being or Identity Loss

“(A Historical Conveyance in the Qur’ân (Simianized Human Being or Identity Loss”

Muhammed Fatih Kesler

Abstract Of Title

His beliefs, sacred values 
and moral qualities of his 
behaviors are the main
expressian of the Qur'an, all "'
thesı!'are based on the faith ia
and good deeds. Human
beings can perfect his
ideotity by developing this
innale qualities given to him
asa divine grant The Qur'an
refers incorrect behaviors
ofProphel Adam and his
descendants, and so me
cases that demotivate people
from the road of perfection.
Furthermore, the Qur'an
deseribes the destruction of
the ancieot tribes through
exemplary events occurred
throughout history: In this
can text, particularly making
mischief. sexual perversic n,
killing unjustly, lying,
backbiting, be ing arroganl,
persecutioo, flaunt,
ingratitude, impatience,
being greedy and
worldliness are major faclors
which trivialize mentioned
virtues. In this regard, one
of the most typical examples
which was told in the Holy
Qur'an is that Israelltes
had desecration against
"the work prohibition
on Saturday" whkh is
coosidered one of the main
factors in their book and
consequently they wc re
pun.ished hard by Divine
Will by being transformed
their faces to monkey faces.
This example contains the
transfer offaces of those
who violate divine orders to
monkey faces as a response
to their arrogance. On
the other h and, half man
and half ape be in gs who se
pictures are located in
same publications are great
evidences which con.firms
the mentioned information
that the Qur'an gave
fourteen centuries ago and
witnessed to its miraculous

Information Of Title

Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 103-122 - Date: 2015 - Country: TR

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