“İbrahim Kurani, his life his works and his mystical views”
Abstract Of Title
ABSTRACT YILMAZ, Ömer " ibrahim Kûrânî, His Life, His Works and His Mystical Views" Ph.D. Dissertation, Adviser : Doç. Dr. Mustafa AŞKAR, Ankara Uviversity Divinity School. Keywords : Mysticism, vahdet-i wujud, Indonesia, Salafî, Muhyiddin İbnü'l-Arabî, Ibn Teymiyye, Garânîk Ibrahim Kûrânî (d.l 101/1690) is a sufi who lived in the 17th century during the times of Ottoman Empire. In year 1025/1615, he was born in Kûrân region which is located in North Iraq. He died in Medine in 1690. The thesis is composed of 2 main sections and an introduction, in which social, economic, political, scientific, religious and literary status of the 17th century Ottaman society during which Kûrânî lived. In the first part of the first main section, life, upbringing and services of Ibrahim Kûrânî is explained. In the latter part his scholarship, literary and sufistic personality is reviewed. Finally his works are thoroughly analyzed. While his first part of the education is done among his family and surroundings, he visited several cities to complete his education, namely in order Bağdat, Damascus, Egypt and Arabia, where he was taught by the best scolars of his time.Most and efficient part of his life was spent in Medine where his works, all in arabic, totaling almost 80 was written. In Medine he both received education and trough Sheik Safiyuddin el-Kusasi, studied sufism. He became an authority in Zeyni, Settari and mainly Nakşibendi religous orders. Ibrahim Kûrânî, with his high knowledge, taught many students from several nationalities. Though he was a Kurd, he was fluent in Arabic, Persian and Turkish, however all of his works was in Arabic. In his studies, he comparatively explained philosophy, theology and sufisms but like Gazzali he favored sufism saying that philosophy and theology was insufficient in subjects of faith and metaphysics. Ibrahim Kûrânî' s knowledge is not limited to sufism. He also taught himself and also published works on Hadis, theology, philosophy and logic. 444In the second main section, the meaning that Ibrahim Kûrânî gave to sufism is explained. Rather than presenting an original point of view, he worked towards obtaining a better understanding of the "Vahdet-i vucûd" idea of îbn Arabi, whom Ibrahim Kûrânî followed. He fought especially against the wrong interpretation of the said idea contrary to Hadis and Kuran in Indonesia islands. He also warned society against the people having panteistic ideas which originated in India. He opposed people in India, by drawing a line in between Allah and the created. Ibrahim Kûrânî made a great contribution to the spread of Islam in India. Two of the important scholars, Abdurrauf Sinkilî and Yusuf Makassari, who lived in Malay Island, are his students. Among the mnetioned, Kûrânî has other attributes. For example, he was a supporter of both Ibn Arabi and Ibn Teymiyye who are completely on the contrary. He shaped his past on Ibn Arabi's views but he sent his students to Ibn Teymiyye, who is a selefi. He emphasized "keşf ' and "marifet" rather than mind. He did not imitate blindly those whom he followed and when necessary he criticized them properly. Though Kûrânî was respected by many, he was also fiercely criticized due to some of his ideas. Especially scholars in Morocco, due to his belief in garanik incident, faith of pharaoh, effectiveness of man in his actions, accused him of deviating from the Ehli Sünnet belief. In the final section, life, personality, works, influence and sufistic thoughts of Ibrahim Kûrânî is reviewed. In the appendix, copies of first pages of many of his sufism related works and also works related to other sciences in which information about his life was given. Also included in the appendix is some documents and the pedigree which was obtained from his descendants whom the author of this thesis met during a visit to Medine. In his times, he was often consulted on different matters. In disputed matters, he abstained from harshly criticizing anyone and preferred to be reconciliatory by finding a middle way. Influence of mrahim Kûrânî was not limited to his times and geography. His son Ebu Tahir, an expert on hadis like his father, contributed to the upbringing of Sheikh Veliyyullah Dihlevi who was a reformist and reconciliator for India. Western scholars praise Ibrahim Kûrânî for his contributions to the said scholars 445
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Thesis - Number of pages: 445 - Date: 2004 - Country: TR