“Ancestral Tradition In The Quran And Its Effect On The Faith”
İbrahim Yildiz
Abstract Of Title
Human who is a social being obtains their belief,
perspective, value judgement, identity and personality from
the community where he lived. Everysociety has it own
traditions from the past. After a certain time, societies create a
pressuremedia as to taking captive of the human’s ego and
will by way of these traditions. This media lead store fuse
without thinking contrary ideas to their traditionals.
Throughout history, there has beenig norance (Jahili)
ancestors tradition thestrongest pillars of there sistance
shown against notification (tebliğ) activities of the prophets.
However, there has always been Abrahamic tradition that
dates back to the foundation of tawhid since Adam (as). In the
Quran, although an cestraltradition based on revelation was
praised, tradition of the ignoran cean cestors whoop poset
here velation was criticized and its foundations was also
questioned. Thistradition shown as source of information and
stability by the followers has led to take root of poly theism
because of the includeimitated and fanaticism.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 175-215 - Date: 2015 - Country: TR