“Kifatan” in the Context of İ'câzu’l-Kur'ân“”
Muhammed Abdullah Kays
Abstract Of Title
This paper aims to explain themes of edebî i’câz-ı beyânî ve i’câz-ı ilmî. In the course of
this study, it is revealed that the word “kifâtâ” has nine meanings in accordance with
Kur’ânîsiyâka, views of glossators, Arabic language and scientific facts. These meanings are
as follow; gravity, outfly, Helical movement, Earth's rotation, recycle droppings, the status of
the World which contains every need of human beings including sheltering, civilization in the
World, natural living environments in the world and desert lands in the world.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Arabic - Type: Research - Number of pages: 93-108 - Date: 2015 - Country: TR