“Consideration of The Qur’an of Human Nature in Ethical Guidance”
Harun Shahin
Abstract Of Title
Ethic, is one of the main subjects that has been dealt with in the Qur’an. So, it played
great role in formulation of Islam in four categories as; belief, worship, transaction and
ethics. Ethic, is a humanistic value that has great impact in a social life depending on its
availability or absence.
In this paper, certain Qur’anic verses will be analyzed in terms of their ethical
guidance. Also, whether in ethical guidance of those verses to good or bad habits and
actions are observing human nature or not, will be researched and their observations will
be tried to be proven. Many verses in the Qur’an show that Allah the Creator knows the
man best in all aspects biologically and psychologically, and because of this reality, His
(cc) observation of human nature in ethical guidance and warnings of human beings are
seen clearly and noticeably. With these proofs, Qur’anic verses that observed in ethical
guidance of the human nature in his weakness, opportunity, ability and capacity will be
analyzed and this proposal will be tried to be proven.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 270-296 - Date: 2016 - Country: TR