“The Usage Frequency of Comparatives and Superlatives in the Quran”
Hamza Ermish - Hatice Kubra Ozcan
Abstract Of Title
fn this essay comparatives and superlatives which in the Quran are examined from
three different viewpoints. Firstfy, the frequency of the determined comparatives in
the way of grammar(morphology) are ranged many to few in the chart. Second/y, the
frequency gradations of these word s in the way of syntax are shown in the chart. Finally,
comparatives and super/atives in the way of using features in syntax are separated in to
tour groups. lndeed, the frequency of these groups are presented and given proofs in the
Quran. These examinations are been about 767 comparatives and superlatives derived
from 62 different roots.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 165-180 - Date: 2016 - Country: TR