“Creation from the Perspective of the Qur'an (Semantics of Creation Concepts in the Qur'an and Creation from Nothing)”
Mustafa Ozturk
Abstract Of Title
The is a matter of which has a rich vocabulary and variety of notions in the Qur’anic text. However, this diversity and richness in terminology is not functional in terms of satisfying the needs of the scientific interest of the modern man and in terms of shedding light on the matter whose dimensions are discussed internationally in the modern scientific platform. At first glance, this detection which was likely found odd is a result of our perceptions and attitude towards the Qur’an. If we tend to read the verses on creation as the informative statements on the first being of the mankind and the universe or to fix the lack of knowledge we will soon realize that these statements are simple and superficial when compared to the vast knowledge on the astronomy, cosmogony, cosmology and the medicine of the modern era. Therefore it must be noted that these verses about the creation have to be viewed from a different perspective. The creation topic in the Qur’an is fundamentally based on Divine names and attributes. Hence, words being used to define God’s creating attributes have to be carefully assessed in their meanings. Throughout the history of Is-lamic theology, the most debatable topic consisted of Divine attributes and names; for this reason they went through a serious change of meaning (semantic shift) and corruption; and theological assumptions and paradigms have been added to the Qur’anic words. Regarding the debates in the history of Islamic thought, especially theological debates,- and if our aim is to find out the first and actual meanings of the Qur’anic verses- ,studies should be intensified on the first period resources and their meanings have to be found out by diachronic se-mantic analysis. Knowledge sources belonging to different religions and cultures in the context of cultural codes of Quran’s first collocutors and intertextual relationship should also be taken into account.
Information Of Title
Lnaguage: Turkish - Type: Research - Number of pages: 01/01/1935 - Date: 2016 - Country: TR